A Message from The East of Harmar Lodge #390

Greetings brethren & readers alike,

As we step into spring, it's hard not to reflect on the whirlwind of activities and accomplishments we've shared thus far. The gavel, once taken in hand, seems to accelerate the passage of time, as many Past Masters can surely attest. Let's take a moment to revisit some of the highlights that have marked our journey through the first part of this Masonic year.

Christmas Festivities:
During the Christmas season, our lodge contributed to the spirit of community with our Merry-Etta Christmas Parade Float. Crafted with precision and care, this Red Ryder Wagon captivated the hearts of many spectators. A float that was indeed one of the fan favorites as it was beautifully crafted. Many of the Masonic Bodies assisted with it’s construction, but the core credit for its magnificent assembly is notably to the brothers of Harmar Lodge and the Rufus Putnam DeMolay Chapter boys. This float was enjoyed by many as its sheer size accommodated representatives from multiple masonic bodies within our temple. Candy was had by many, and smiles were not in short supply. I mustn’t forget to thank specifically WB John Goins and Bro. Mark Herrington for their generosity of time, skills, and place to construct this masterpiece.  

Chili Cook-off:
In December, our lodge hosted a chili cook-off that sparked some friendly competition. Congratulations to Bro. Landon Hanes (Parker Hanes), and Bro. Daniel Miller (Ashley Miller) for their culinary prowess and medal-worthy creations. It's moments like these, filled with laughter and shared meals, that strengthen the bonds of brotherhood.

Degree Work and Inspection:
As we broke the threshold of the New Year 2024 with the Temple Board’s Annual Sauerkraut meal, our degree work begun to pick up its pace. We welcomed Bro. Steven Thompson into our Fraternity and began to fervently prepare for our upcoming inspection. With this year being in the Degree of Master Mason, the focus of all involved was well aligned with the importance of ensuring that Harmar Lodge was recognized as not only a lodge of dedicated masons to the craft in a sense of ritual memorization alone, but also to the dramatization of the ever so important lessons to be conveyed within the degree. We were afforded the opportunity to showcase and convey just that to a brother from Aurelius Lodge No. 308. As expected, the degree work received outstanding remarks from the Inspecting Officer. Even into the following days, I can say that messages flowed in congratulating Harmar Lodge on a great inspection, and it was clear to me at that moment that the brethren of our lodge had in fact succeeded in surpassing any expectations that I may have had. It was indeed a proud moment. It is also important to recognize the so called “behind the scenes” work that goes into the administrative side of an inspection. I would like to personally thank WB Locke, Bro. Duckworth, WB Rhodes, and WB Peterson for their work on the required financial, educational, and administrative reports. As well as the endless phone calls and organization that goes into coordinating a full fellow craft team for the degree. Without this first being in place and handled in a timely and orderly fashion, the degree cannot go on. Thank you sincerely.

What's Next?
Looking ahead, there are several exciting events on the horizon. Our Open House on April 4th, 2024, presents an opportunity to showcase our lodge to the public. I encourage each of you to lend your support to the event committee as we prepare for this special occasion. I’m sure the committee would love to have your help in preparing for this public event. We will open our doors the evening of this day to showcase our beautiful building. Please reach out to WB John Goins if you would like to jump in and help.

We are also in the process of planning a table lodge event. It has been some time since Harmar Lodge has orchestrated one of these, and I am quite excited to hold this event in our formal dinning hall. The date has not yet been set as we want to ensure all the details are in proper order and please note, this will be an RSVP event. More details to come.

Another item on the list is to hold an Appendant Body night. It has been over 4 years now since we have had this type of event, and it is my hope this will be a joint venture with other Lodges within the 17th Masonic District. Throughout inspections, new members of the District’s respective lodges may not be aware of the other Masonic opportunities available to them. Now, is this an event specific to Harmar? No, but it is something I believe we should help foster to keep these bodies alive. Everyone needs members, as we are no exception. However, the additional lessons taught throughout the appendant bodies are lessons that carry a great deal of importance in a man’s masonic journey. Quite frankly, one could say even more so in his mortal life’s journey. If you would like to help get involved, and be part of the planning for this event, please reach out to me at davidemiller35@gmail.com as I am the Chair for this special occasion.

In closing, I am immensely proud and honored to serve as Worshipful Master of Harmar Lodge No. 390 F.&A.M. The dedication and spirit of our brethren inspire me each day, and I am eager to witness the great things we will accomplish together in the future.

Fraternally yours,

WB David E. Miller
Worshipful Master
Harmar Lodge No. 390 F. & A.M.

David Miller

Website/Calendar Contributor representing Harmar Lodge No. 390 F&AM.


The “Merry-Etta” Christmas Parade Float!!