What’s Happening in Marietta Masonry?

Masonic Game Night! (January 2023)
This month's activity is Cornhole @ the Lodge. We will clear the dinning room and setup cornhole boards. Any brother attending is welcome to bring an appetizer or finger foods for the brothers to enjoy. If you are planning to attend please let WB Cale know 740-885-9809.

Harmar Lodge #390 Update
As this year progresses and we are getting closer to achieving and reaching our goals set forth at the beginning of the year…….

Marietta Masonic Building Co News & Updates!
I wanted to touch base with everyone on the latest news here at the Temple this year. We are excited about the latest upgrades and projects in the works here at the Temple…..

Marietta Commandery No. 50 Knights Templar
As I start my 2nd term as Eminent Commander, the anticipation of the upcoming year is exciting. There are tons of events in the works and planning stages…….

Menelik Lodge # 74 Update
Menelik Lodge #74 is proud to announce that it is working to grow its membership and bring new eager men into the light of Freemasonry. We have initiated 3 new candidates…

Harmar Lodge No. 390 Food Drive (Gospel Mission)
Harmar Masonic Lodge No. 390 is working directly with the Gospel Mission to help fill up their food banks with non-perishable food items. The purpose is to support our community and to assist people in need…