Rental Rules and Procedures

Marietta Masonic Park is open from Dawn till Dusk for the enjoyment of all. The use of all amenities is at your own risk. Unless authorized, the following are prohibited.
· Interfering with an authorized rental event
· Stealing, damaging, or defacing property
· Amplified sound or commercial activity
· Any firearms or weapons including, bows, air guns, slingshots, and fireworks.
· Feeding wildlife
· Leaving food or clothing
· Drug use or other illegal activity
· Unattended fires. All fires must be extinguished when activity is finished.
· Collecting of plants/animals, historical artifacts
· Littering
· Rummaging in trash and recycling containers
· Smoking is prohibited within the hall structure.
Placing wet or damp items on wood flooring that would cause damage to the flooring or walls.
Marietta Masonic Park is closed from Dusk till Dawn except as authorized.
Marietta Masonic Park reserves the right to cancel reservations due to extreme weather conditions that might cause damage to the facilities.
Renter will be responsible for any damage fees incurred to the park as a consequence to their reservation.
Marietta Masonic Park will assess and repair damages and bill out cost to the renter.
Lost and Found
Marietta Masonic Park is not responsible for any personal property left in the building or on park grounds. You may call 1 (740) 785-7275 to inquire about lost items.
Vehicles are only allowed on designated roads and parking lots. Any vehicles left in the park after rental hours are subject to being towed at owner’s expense. Mini bikes, trail bikes, all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, and any other vehicles that cannot be registered for operation on the public highways are not allowed at Marietta Masonic Park.
Rental/Personal Items
All personal items may be delivered to the rental area on day of event unless approved by special request.
All personal items must be removed from rental area same day as event unless approved by special request.
Be considerate: pick up after yourself and your pet, and use appropriate containers for waste.