Marietta Masonic Building Co News & Updates!

This year as things are starting to feel like we have returned to a state of normal and we are able to get together and hold Lodge meetings and have fellowship, The Building Company has been busy with planning projects in the building.  While we have performed regular maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on the building and furnishings in the building, we still have found time to look into other projects that need addressing to preserve the integrity and history of our Temple. Such as our stain glass windows, 3rd floor restroom, and maintenance upgrades.

The Marietta Masonic Building Company is proud to announce that we have performed multiple needed upgrades and repairs by upgrading the old out dated computer system in the office and lodge room along with maintaining the offices, equipment, and the conference room upstairs for Lodge officer use.

 This project started in 2005 under the direction of the Building Company administration then and continues today with the current Building Company administration. You may have also observed some other upgrade and repair projects that have been started or completed around the lodge. New light fixtures outside the lodge room. Painting projects, and some of the old furnishings that were damaged, in disarray, or in storage, have been repaired and/or restored and are on display in the temple.

 One example is the piano stool in the dining hall – This furnishing was in storage – broken- discolored- and in desperate need of attention. We examined the stool and after researching the history on it, the discovery was amazing, it was built in the late 1800’s here in Marietta and was used in our building for years.

Our Goal is to maintain the Temple and it furnishings to the best of our ability and to the highest degree possible, but this comes with a price – the rising cost of repairs influences our decisions and causes us to shop, prioritize maintenance, and repairs. We have many projects in the planning stages and we need to raise money for them.

The Marietta Masonic Building Company is holding a “Tribute Walk” fundraiser in front of our Temple .This is an engraved brick for all Masons and Masonic Bodies. Order forms will be available on our website, in our lodge rooms, and lounge.

If you have any questions contact:

740-525-7144 or Email 

 or visit our website


John M. Goins

Marietta Masonic Building Co.  


Harmar Lodge #390 Update


Marietta Commandery No. 50 Knights Templar