Traveling Friendly Lands
In my short tenure as a Freemason, one of my personal joys has become traveling to other Lodges. In the past six months, I have been able to visit some of the lodges within my own district (17th Masonic District of Ohio). I’d like to take just a moment to share some of my experiences.
I visited Amesville Lodge No. 278 in Amesville, OH for a Special Meeting to install RWB David L. Glass as DDGM for the 17th Masonic District on October 22, 2021. What a treat this lodge was! The Lodge Room was on the second floor. Their elevator appeared to be wood construction. Nothing personal, but I did not take the ride. It was amazing to see the flood markings at the staircase to show how high flood waters had been in their Lodge. The discussions of serving breakfast and preparing for families at Christmas spoke volumes to me of their dedication to keep Freemasonry alive and well in the Amesville community. Their Lodge room did not disappoint. Though smaller, it was rich in Freemasonry linage, books, and photographs. It was wonderful to witness RWB David L. Glass’ Father assist with his installation and to hear just how he was introduced to Freemasonry. Following the installation, we gathered in the dining hall to enjoy cupcakes, ice cream, and fellowship. The hospitality and the experience are one that I will always remember.
In another one of my adventures, my travels landed me in Athens, OH at Paramuthia Lodge No. 25 on October 27th, 2021. This was also a Special Meeting for the purpose of installing WB Dennis Robertson. What a beautiful Lodge and such a rich history! This was another wonderful installation where family ties run deep. What a special thing that WB Robertson's Father and Son were able to participate in the installation. Those moments sincerely choke me up. I hope one day I can have the privilege of my Sons being involved. The Brethren of Paramuthia were incredibly welcoming, as I was quickly greeted by RWB Chad Kopenski. He took the time to show me around the Lodge and made sure I felt welcome by offering me a chair at the dinner table afterwards (the little things matter). I appreciate the engagement from the acting SD, Jon Bennett, on this evening. He approached me, engaged in conversation, and made a point to make sure I felt welcomed (like I said above, it's the little things that can make an experience inviting and memorable when traveling). We spoke for a moment about other various appendant bodies, and he then proceeded to tell me about the paintings in their lodge. They were hand painted by a member of their Lodge, and his name is Bro. Michael D. Wootten. I now own four of his prints and have them hanging in my home office. I was also gifted a copy of their “Two Centuries of Freemasonry in Athens, Ohio” book by J. Clayton Smith, covering a deep history of their Lodge. I am confident that my travels will once again lead me back there to visit.
As I branch out beyond my home lodge, district, and even State, I am very excited to see where the road leads me. I would encourage all my Masonic Brothers to venture out, and travel to other lodges. I can assure you it will be well worth the investment.
Bro. David E. Miller
Junior Warden
Harmar Lodge No. 390 F.&A.M