Welcome to the Marietta
Masonic Bodies Website!
A shining beacon of Freemasonry in Southeast Ohio.
7:00pm Harmar Lodge No. 390: 1st Monday Each Month
7:00pm American Union Lodge No. 1: 3rd Monday Each Month
6:30pm Menelik Lodge No. 74: 1st & 3rd Tuesday Each Month (Dark July/August)
7:00pm American Union Chapter No. 1: 2nd Thursday Each Month
8:00pm Marietta Council No. 78: 2nd Thursday Each Month
7:30pm Marietta Commandery No. 50: 1st Thursday Each Month
7:30pm Marietta Eastern Star Chapter No. 59: 2nd & 4th Tuesday Each Month (Dark July/August)
Masonic Bodies Meeting Times
Check Out Our News Page for All Things Marietta Masonic Bodies!
This month's activity is Cornhole @ the Lodge. We will clear the dinning room and setup cornhole boards. Any brother attending is welcome to bring an appetizer or finger foods for the brothers to enjoy. If you are planning to attend please let WB Cale know 740-885-9809.
As this year progresses and we are getting closer to achieving and reaching our goals set forth at the beginning of the year…….
I wanted to touch base with everyone on the latest news here at the Temple this year. We are excited about the latest upgrades and projects in the works here at the Temple…..
As I start my 2nd term as Eminent Commander, the anticipation of the upcoming year is exciting. There are tons of events in the works and planning stages…….
Menelik Lodge #74 is proud to announce that it is working to grow its membership and bring new eager men into the light of Freemasonry. We have initiated 3 new candidates…
Harmar Masonic Lodge No. 390 is working directly with the Gospel Mission to help fill up their food banks with non-perishable food items. The purpose is to support our community and to assist people in need…
In my short tenure as a Freemason, one of my personal joys has become traveling to other Lodges. In the past six months, I have been able to visit some of the lodges within my own district (17th Masonic District of Ohio). I’d like to take just a moment to share some of my experiences.
Moving forward we hope to encourage all members to participate in this website and one way in which they can do this is through submissions like the one below to our site. Below is a message from a Past Master of Harmar Lodge No. 390 who after many years in the area has relocated to Nevada.
Due to a high level of Covid still circulating our area, which unfortunately has led to many of our active membership being either exposed or even testing positive for Covid, Harmar Lodge has opted to make use of the wonderful tools placed at our disposable.
Good Afternoon, Today I have some news to share with all of our members of all the bodies. As you know our old website developed issues quite a while ago and was unable to be repaired.
Marietta Masonic Bodies is finally moving into the technology age and we are up and running!
Visit Us

Marietta Masonic Temple
Marietta Masonic Temple
308 Front Street
Marietta, OH 45750
(740) 373-5085

Marietta Masonic Park
Park Address:
145 Masonic Ln, Marietta, OH 45750
39.483202 , -81.491569
Mailing Address:
308 Front Street, Marietta, OH 45750
Directions from Marietta:
Turn left at the intersection of State Route 60 and Masonic Park Road. Continue on Masonic Park road for 1 mile. At the stop sign, turn right to stay on Masonic Park Road. Continue for 0.7 miles. Turn left (sign for Masonic Park) on Township Road 549, then turn left again onto the next road. The park will be on the right.
A message from the Worshipful Master of Harmar Lodge No. 390 F&AM.